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ZuluTrade LTD

Service Provider Letter Of Direction

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Joint Account Information

My Program Provider:
Zulu Trade LTD
Trader Account #:
(If available)

The undersigned has applied for a foreign exchange ("Forex") trading account with Vantage Global Prime Pty Ltd. I have provided Vantage Global Prime a trading system of my own devise, have purchased (or leased) a system developed by a third party system developer, or have subscribed to and/or authorized Vantage Global Prime to follow a trade recommendation service or hotline of my own selection ("My Program") which I may revise from time to time. I acknowledge that I have been apprised of the volume of trading and resulting commissions to be generated by My Program and the impact this may have on its performance. I fully understand the limitations of hypothetical back-testing and real-time track records in predicting future performance. I hereby authorize and direct Vantage Global Prime to enter trades for my account in accordance with trading signals generated by My Program. In consideration of opening my account, I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions, as follows:

1.I fully understand that the trading signals and recommendations are produced by My Program and not by Vantage Global Prime and that Vantage Global Prime's responsibility is to use commercially reasonable efforts to enter orders pursuant to the signals and recommendations generated by My Program and as received by Vantage Global Prime. I confirm that Vantage Global Prime has not solicited, or in any other way recommended, my participation in trading My Program with Vantage Global Prime. I have made inquiries and conducted research into My Program sufficient to make an informed investment decision. Vantage Global Prime cannot imply or guarantee that I will make a profit from My Program and I agree that Vantage Global Prime will not be held responsible for My Program's performance or trading losses incurred in my account as a result of my trading pursuant to My Program.

2.Vantage Global Prime will accept this form as Limited Power of Attorney for my account and will enter orders for my account in accordance with the trading signals generated by My Program. I understand that spot Forex transactions in the Forex market as designated by My Program may be traded in my account in accordance with my grant of Limited Power of Attorney. I understand that my trading access will be provided by my Program Provider and not by Vantage Global Prime.

3.By signing below, I grant Limited Power of Attorney in favour of Vantage Global Prime solely for the purpose of entering orders in accordance with the signals generated by My Program. If My Program is a third-party developed system, trade recommendation service or hotline, I have arranged for the originator of the service or hotline to transmit by facsimile, telephone, or otherwise, the trade signals to be executed for my account. If more than one Vantage Global Prime client is using the same system or service as My Program, I acknowledge Vantage Global Prime may enter block orders to enhance order execution, in which case a fair and systematic fill allocation method will be employed. I understand and acknowledge that Vantage Global Prime will only be responsible for using its commercially reasonable efforts to execute, in a timely fashion, the signals generated by My Program. Vantage Global Prime shall not be responsible for mechanical or communication line failure, system errors, data failure or any other causes beyond its control. I acknowledge that Vantage Global Prime can accept and execute orders only if actually received or generated and then on a "not held" basis (i.e. Vantage Global Prime shall not be held responsible for the execution of the order at the price indicated or otherwise).

4.In consideration for my use of My Program, I hereby authorise my account to be debited in the following amounts and payable to the Program Provider as per below:

  • •1.5 pips for each round turn trade on all currency pairs if client is referred to Vantage Global Prime by Zulu Trade; Or
  • •1.0 pips for each round turn trade on all currency pairs in the case of an existing client of Vantage Global Prime wishes to participate in the program.

5.I am aware of the speculative nature and high risks associated with Forex trading. I have provided the ideas, techniques and trading parameters used in My Program or, if it is a third-party developed system or trade recommendation service or hotline, I understand its trading parameters. I have had the opportunity to ask questions on how my account will be handled. I acknowledge that I have not purchased My Program from Vantage Global Prime although it may have acted as my agent in the purchase or lease of My Program. I understand that there is no trading system or recommendation service that is free from the risk of loss. Vantage Global Prime does not imply or guarantee that I will make a profit and I agree that neither Vantage Global Prime nor any of its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents or affiliates will be held responsible for the performance of My Program or trading losses in my account.

6.I understand that using My Program to generate trading signals exposes me to risks associated with the use of computers and data feed systems relied on by Vantage Global Prime. I agree to accept such risks, which may include, but are not limited to, failure of hardware, software or communication lines or systems and/or inaccurate external data feeds provided by third-party vendors and further agree to hold Vantage Global Prime harmless from any losses in my account associated with these risks. Absent wilful or wanton misconduct, neither Vantage Global Prime nor any of its officers, directors, vendors, employees, agents, associated persons or Vantage Global Prime personnel will be liable for any such breakdown or failure.

7.Vantage Global Prime may act upon the authority given by this letter of direction until I revoke the authority by written notice addressed and actually delivered to Vantage Global Prime. This revocation of authority should be delivered by submitting Vantage Global Prime's "Revocation of Letter of Direction" form. Vantage Global Prime may also terminate the authorization over the account at any time for any reason in its sole discretion. In the event that Vantage Global Prime terminates the trading authorization over my account, Vantage Global Prime will provide me with written notice. I shall be responsible for any open lots in my account at the time that I revoke the authority or such authority is terminated by Vantage Global Prime. I shall permit Vantage Global Prime to execute offsetting orders for any open lots in my account at the time the Letter of Direction is terminated.

8.In lieu of sending trade confirmation via postal mail, Vantage Global Prime will provide me with access to view my account at any time using the Internet with an online login. Vantage Global Prime shall make statements available to me showing the ledger balance, the exact positions in the account, the net profit or loss in all contracts closed since the date of the last statement, and the net unrealized profit and loss in all open contracts figured to the market. I will carefully review these statements. If I have any questions, I will contact Vantage Global Prime immediately.

9.I agree that, in the absence of wilful or wanton misconduct, neither Vantage Global Prime nor any of its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents or affiliates will be held liable for any act or omission in the course of or in connection with my participation in My Program. I shall indemnify Vantage Global Prime, its principals, officers, directors, employees, agents, successor and/or assigns from all losses and/or liability (including reasonable attorney's and/or accountant's fees) incurred or resulting from this Letter of Direction and Limited Power of Attorney to execute My Program, provided that there has been no judicial determination that such liability was the result of gross negligence or recklessness or intentional misconduct by Vantage Global Prime , and further provided that the conduct that was the basis for such liability was not undertaken in the actual and reasonable belief that it was in the best interest of my account.

10.I am also aware that because the risk factor is high in Forex market trading, only genuine "risk" funds should be used in such trading. Account holders that do not have the extra capital that may be subject to a total loss, should not trade in the Forex market. No "safe" trading system has ever been devised, and no one can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. In fact no one can even guarantee to limit the extent of losses.

11.In connection with my foreign exchange ("FX") trading account carried by Vantage Global Prime Pty Ltd, the undersigned Account Holder hereby ratifies and confirms that he/she has agreed to be charged and to compensate the person or entity named below for services rendered in accordance with the following terms.

Vantage Global Prime is hereby authorized to deduct from Account Holder's account and pay to the Service Provider ("Provider") named below, fees pertaining, but not limited to commission, referral, research, recommendation, strategies and/or charts.

Services Provided:


Provider Name:

Triple A Experts Investment Services S.A. (Zulu Trade LTD)

Address of Provider:

14 Akti Kondyli Street, Piraeus, Attica, Greece 18545

Vantage Global Prime will hereby facilitate the above instructions without further direction or confirmation from the Provider or client, unless otherwise notified in writing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if I request a withdrawal and/or transfer from my account, and there are insufficient funds available to pay the Provider as a result of such request or other action taken by me, I understand that such request may not be processed for the full amount requested and agree that I shall remain obligated to make payment to the Provider for any payments due pursuant to the agreement between me and the Provider.

Vantage Global Prime shall not be held responsible or liable for any miscalculation or non-payment of said Fees for any reason whatsoever. This service authorization shall remain in effect until terminated in writing by the undersigned.

Service Provider: Vantage is an independent legal entity and is not affiliated with this Service Provider. Vantage does not endorse any product or service of the Service Provider. Nothing associated with this promotion shall be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any product or service to any person in any jurisdiction where such offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the laws or regulations of such jurisdiction.

Risk Warning: Our service includes products that are traded on margin and carry a risk of losses in excess of your deposited funds. The products may not be suitable for all investors. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved.